2nd Consultation Phase – Public Realm Plan for Greystones, Sat 23rd November

By November 13, 2019EVENTS, Notices

Click here for : Greystones Consultation Boards second phase

Any comments, suggestions or opinions please e mail info@greystones.ie  or complete the survey on https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/TFQJDX9


Following on from the initial Consultation for a Public Realm Plan for Greystones in the Whale Theatre, Paul Hogarth Company will be on hand in Greystones for the second consultation phase on Saturday 23rd November 2019 from 1 pm to 5 pm at the Greystones Library. Come along and view the work to date and have your say – all are welcome!

Everyone knows that Greystones is a fantastic place to live and for many, this County Wicklow town is the envy of the nation. A thriving café culture, a stunning coastline and a
multitude of fascinating stories waiting to be told. However, as residents also know, Greystones is faced with challenges that need to be grappled with, including increased
development and traffic dominance.
To help address these problems and to improve the local streets and public spaces of  Greystones, it is vital that we take a collaborative approach, develop a shared vision and
deliver the best outcomes for the town.  Greystones 2020 and Wicklow County Council have taken the first step and commissioned a
team of specialists, headed by The Paul Hogarth Company, to create a Public Realm Plan for the town.

Having held a very successful initial consultation event and engaged with local school students, the team conducted a spatial and technical analysis of Greystones and have
now developed an initial Draft Plan for your consideration.  The Draft Plan includes a broad range of innovative and bespoke projects to be delivered
across the short, medium and longer term that seek to address climatic, demographic and  economic change in Greystones. Once finalised, they will be used as the basis for funding
As the Plan is a work in progress, we strongly encourage you to view the draft proposals and  help us shape the future of Greystones. The Draft Plan material will be available to view
online between Wednesday 20th November and 3rd December 2019. The draft plan and  the consultant team will also be in Greystones Library on Saturday 23rd November 2019
between 1-5pm.
It is very important everyone continues to engage with the plan process and shares their  views on these emerging projects and other ideas. This is your town, this is your plan, and so
we want you to be truly involved in it.

Note: The design team from The Paul Hogarth Company comprise Urban Designers, Landscape Architects and Town Planners. The team have been working in partnership with
local people, business and stakeholders since the project commenced in August 2019.